STORY ONE: SOURCE: : CARE2 ( IN AOTEORA or New Zealand New Zealand Grants a River the Rights of Personhood From the dawn of history, and in cultures throughout the world, humans have been prone to imbue Earth’s life-giving rivers with qualities of life itself — a fitting tribute, no doubt, to the wellsprings upon which our past (and present) civilizations so heavily rely. But while modern thought has come to regard these essential waterways more clinically over the centuries, that might all be changing once again. Meet the Whanganui. You might call it a river, but in the eyes of the law, it has the standings of a person. Read more:

STORY TWO: SOURCE: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ISSUES AND RESOURCES NEWS ( IN AFRICA - Cameroon U.S. Company Accused Of Greenwashing Cameroon 'Land-Grab' Environment groups are accusing a New York-based agricultural company, Herakles Farms, of going forward with plans for a 73,000-hectare palm-oil plantation and refinery in southwest Cameroon despite a lack of government authorisation, two court injunctions, and in the face of significant community opposition.

STORY THREE: SOURCE: INDIGENOURS PEOPLES ISSUES AND RESOURCES NEWS ( IN SOUTH AMERICA -Brazil Declaration Of War Against Indigenous Peoples In Mato Grosso do Sul The land conflict between the Guaraní-Kaiowá indigenous people and large landowners in the southwestern Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul is a powder keg ready to explode, say observers. Nísio Gomes, Jenivaldo Vera, Rolindo Vera, Teodoro Ricardi, Ortiz and Xurete Lopes are just a few of the names on a long list of people murdered in this state in recent years, according to the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI). The statistics gathered by the Council, founded in 1972 by the Brazilian National Bishops’ Conference, reveal that 279 indigenous people have been killed since 2003 in land disputes with landowners and ranchers.

STORY FOUR: SOURCE: SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL ( IN CENTRAL AMERICA - Guatemala New Bill Would Criminalize Community Radio © Danielle DeLuca A new bill proposed by the right-wing political party in Guatemala would criminalize the use of the radio spectrum for any actors not authorized to do so. The bill aims to take community radio stations that are fighting for legal recognition off the air.

“News sources today include Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources News and Survival International and Care2.”

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