With Guest Dr. Tink Tinker
Dr. Tink Tinker is the Clifford Baldridge Emeritus Professor of American Indian Cultures and…
With Guest David Wengrow
David Graeber and David Wengrow are the co-authors of “The Dawn of Everything: A New History of…
With Guests Eva Zavala Lopez and Oqwilowgwa Kim Recalma-Reclusi
In the first half-hour, Tiokasin talks with Eda Zavala Lopez, a direct descendant of the Wari…
With Guest Elder Albert Marshall, Mi'kmaw Nation
Tiokasin’s guest for the full hour is Elder Albert Marshall, from the Moose Clan of the Mi'kmaw…
With Guest Dr. Manuel Rozental
Colonization is a political agenda of an ideology quite often associated with forcing non-…
Dr. Paulette Steeves talks about the Canadian Residential School and Colonial Institutions Database, 1620 to the Present
Dr. Paulette Steeves (Cree and Métis) is an Associate Professor in Sociology at…