Remembrance of Andre Vltchek, Zumila Wobaga
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- Remembrance of Andre Vltchek, Zumila Wobaga
Zumila Wobaga, or Charmaine White Face is Oglala Tituwan Oceti Sakowin. Zumila is a great-grandmother, scientist, and writer. She can be reached at Tiokasin and Zumila will talk about her recent essay, “Kimkimila Wi (The Butterfly Sun).” Google her to find more of her writings.
September 22 marks one year since “First Voices Radio” friend Andre Vltchek’s untimely death in Istanbul, Turkey. Tiokasin pays tribute to Andre and remembers his immense contributions: many books of non-fiction and fiction; documentary films; and hundreds of essays, columns, commentaries and media appearances. We got to know Andre on “First Voices Radio” in early 2017 and from that time on, he became a frequent and generous guest, always making time to come on our show and reporting to us on the issues, and the life and death situations of the world’s forgotten, poor and oppressed peoples, including, of course, the world’s Indigenous peoples. He is deeply missed.