This Week's Program: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
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- This Week's Program: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Peter Buffet is a well established musician, composer and producer as well as Co-Chairman of the NoVo Foundation. Highlights of Peter’s music, film, and television work include the Fire Dance scene in the Oscar-winning film "Dances With Wolves"; the entire score for "500 Nations" the 8-hour miniseries for CBS produced by Kevin Costner; and winning an Emmy for his album, "Ojibwe." As Co-Chair of the NoVo Foundation, Peter helps guide the strategic plan and serves as a member of the NoVo Grants Committee. In the second half-hour, we feature an interview that was conducted a few days ago with Manuel Rozental and Pablo Millalen. Manuel is a Colombian activist, researcher and community organizer. He has been involved for four decades with grassroots political organizing with youth, Indigenous communities, and urban and rural social movement. Pablo Millalen, Mapuche, is a member of the Comunidad de Historia Mapuche, a collective of Indigenous, Mapuche researchers based in Temuco, Chile. He is a doctoral student in Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.