This Week's Program: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
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- This Week's Program: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
MINDAHI BASTIDA (Otomi) and GERALDINE ENCINA (Mapuche) describe Three Steps and Thirteen Principles Inspired by Native Peoples to Reconnect with the Planetary Community The social and planetary crisis can be represented as a crossroads. Put simply, one road leads to the destruction of the self and all his/her interrelations. Where am I? and Who am I? What do I feel or love? are improbable questions among men and women who have become alienated without even noticing. The other road seems adventurous and challenging and leads to a reconnection with the planet, through which personal fulfillment and spiritual joy can be fully achieved. How do we take the second path? Very concisely, we can recommend three steps and thirteen principles of attitude and action to reconnect us with our life purpose.
RICK BRAUN - Night Walk