This Week's Program: Wednesday, May 1, 2013
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- This Week's Program: Wednesday, May 1, 2013
CANDACE DUCHENEAUX (Lakota) ( and type in Mni or Mni Indigenous Water Summit to get the latest information and logistics
Water justice, sovereignty, and security for present and future generations of Turtle Island Indigenous nations through the restoration, preservation, and protection of tribal lands and waters. Mission To lead the western hemisphere in large scale rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems by mobilizing the implementation of vast water conservancy and ecosystem recovery methods on the tribal lands of all Turtle Island Indigenous Nations.
Beginning Spring 2013, we will begin a pilot project on the homelands of the Cheyenne River Hohwoju Lakota of the Oceti Sakowin. This project will restore the lands to health and sustainability so humankind can once again live upon the earth in peace and prosperity and enjoy her beauty and bounty. This system will provide pure water to sustain present and future generations.
OFELIA RIVAS (Tohono O'odham) ( With the O'odham Solidarity Project - Ofelia related the stories of living with the looming prescence of the US/Mexican Border Wall and the patrol that has harrassed and disrupted centuries old traditional Indigenous communities.
SETH ADLER ( The Left Forum 2013 updates on the conference coming to Pace University New York on June 7-9, 2013
Burning Times - Rumor of the Big Wave
Road to Hell - Chris Rea