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UKUMBWA SAUTIis an initiated Elder in the Dagara tradition from Burkina Faso in west Africa and is a diviner, numerologist and spiritual counselor. He also works as an Adjunct Professor of Cultural Media Studies. Ukumbwa has created a line of research and critique called "Indigeny & Energetics," some of the perspectives of which reside on his blog of the same name. Part of this work looks at the history and effects of Christianity in the Indigenous and modern world and the persistence of the elements of religious privilege and predatory missiology. Ukumbwa has been active in the Pan-African movement, Black Lives Matter and other anti-racism work and the Occupy/Decolonize to Liberate movements. He has presented at spiritual conferences in the New England region and California and has been active in organizing ritual work in the Boston, New York and Toronto, Canada. Ukumbwa can be reached on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and email at
JUN-San YASUDA is a Japanese Buddhist Nun from the Nipponzan Myohoji order. In 1978, Native Americans organized The Longest Walk , wherein participants walked cross-country from San Francisco, California to Washington, DC. Accompanying them on their walk was a Japanese Buddhist Nun from the Nipponzan Myohoji order. Since then, Jun Yasuda has crossed the country 8 times on foot and logged in several thousand additional miles for the cause of peace. Jun-san Yasuda is now leading The 2015 NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) Peace Walk For A Nuclear Free Future For Peace and the Planet, which started on Friday, March 20 in San Francisco. Participants will walk to the United Nations in New York City. They will arrive on Sunday, April 26. 2015 marks 70 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Carrying this urgent prayer, we will walk to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference at the United Nations in New York City. Our peace walkers from Japan will report on situation of the ongoing Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, from which we must conclude that there can be no peaceful use of nuclear technology.