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"First Voices Indigenous Radio" Host Tiokasin Ghosthorse returns to the airwaves after a yearlong sabbatical.
His guests are Juan Carlos Machicado Figueroa(Inka) and Bryan Nurnberger, Founder and President of Simply Smiles, Inc.
Juan Carlos Machicado Figueroa is a professional tour guide, lives in Cusco, Peru and has Inka ancestry. He is the author of a book titled "When the Stones Speak: Inka Architecture and Spirituality in the Andes," and producer of the documentary "Saqsa Uma: Temple of Fertility." His work won awards in the International Biennial of Arts and Indigenous Cultures, held in Quito, Ecuador in 2006. Juan Carlos has lectured on the Inkas at the University of Nottingham, England during 1989 to 1993. He lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico from 1993 to 1998, learning about the Pueblo, Din and Hopi, and studying the parallels of the Inka with our brothers of the north. He also lectured at the University of New Mexico and other educational and cultural institutions in New Mexico, California and Texas. He was invited to Canada in 2005 to give conferences about his book at the Native American museums of Yellowknife and Hay River. Currently, he keeps conducting research on the Inkas and conducting historical and spiritual tours around Cusco and Machu Pikchu in Peru. Juan Carlos can be contacted at
Bryan Nurnberger, Founder and President, Simply Smiles, Inc. Bryan founded Simply Smiles, Inc. in 2003. He is also the founder of Connecticut's first Benefit Corporation, Simply Smiles Products Corporation. Bryan has a BA in history from the University of Colorado. He has worked a mountain climbing guide, hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, lived with monks in Greece and worked with sugar cane cutters in the Dominican Republic. In 2013, he was given the name "Cante Waste Wichasa," which means "Kind Hearted Man.