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Elivra Colorado talks about an event ACH'JABIL a Maya Ceremony to be held on Dec. 21st at the American Indian Community House. Shaun Finnerty also will be appearing at the AICH event and will discuss the implications of the myth created by non-Native peoples and the 2012 Dec. 21 Prophecy.
Dr. Pamela D. Palmater is a Mi'kmaw lawyer and member of the Eel River Bar First Nation in New Brunswick. Gives us a background and legal work, rallies, meeting, flash mob ceremonies and more concering the IDLE NO MORE movement in Canada and across the world.
Ross Hamilton - Author of Star Mounds: A Native American Legacy ties the Serpant Mound in Ohio - Draco constellation in the northern hemisphere and the syncronizing of it all to December 21, 2012 and the Maya people "Long Count" and dispels the myth of destruction and more. December 20 - December 27th, 2012
Music selection
IDLE NO MORE - Heebz the Earth Child