Tiokasin catches up with returning guest Dr. Tink Tinker for the full hour. Dr. Tinker is the Clifford Baldridge Emeritus Professor of American Indian Cultures and Religious Traditions at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. He is a citizen of the Osage Nation (wazhazhe) and has been an activist in urban American Indian communities for four decades. He joined the faculty at Iliff School of Theology in 1985 and brought an American Indian perspective to this predominantly euro-christian school. Dr. Tinker is committed to a scholarly endeavor that takes seriously both the liberation of Indian peoples from their historic oppression as colonized communities and the liberation of euro-christian (White) Americans, the historic colonizers and oppressors of Indian peoples, whose self-narrative typically avoids naming the violence committed against Indians in favor of a romance narrative that justifies their euro-christian occupancy of Indian lands. Tiokasin and Dr. Tinker dissect "It's Time to Rethink the Idea of 'Indigenous,'" by Manvir Singh (The New Yorker, Feb. 20, 2023).

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Music selection

1. Song Title: Tahi Roots Mix (First Voices Radio Theme Song); Artist: Moana and the Moa Hunters; Album: Tahi (1993); Label: Southside Records (Australia and New Zealand) (00:00:22)

2. Song Title: School Days; Artist: Labi Siffre; Album: Man of Reason (1991); Label: China Records (00:30:10)

3. Song Title: Hidden Falls; Artist: Buffalo Weavers; Album: The Dark is Getting Bright (2020); Label: N/A  (00:49:20)

4. Song Title: Who Set the World on Fire; Artist: Stick Figure; Album: Who Set the World on Fire (2019); Label: Ruffwood Records (00:51:55)

5. Song Title: Come As You Are; Artist: Nirvana; Album: Nevermind (1991); Label: DGC Records (00:55:48)